In the hope that the ideas and thoughts expressed in the
English version of Satyanusaran, now offered to the English- speaking public,
may be rightly understood by those who may never have heard of Pabna
Satsang, this brief note about its Life-Centre Thakur Anukulchandra and how
and why he wrote the book, is given.
In the year 1910 in the jungles of North Bengal a young
Indian, Atul Bhattacharya wended his way through the mass of bamboo clumps,
jungle grass, mango and acacia trees that crowded up along the banks of the Padma.
He was heading for a small village called Himaitpur. Nothing in particular
distinguished Himaitpur's group of bamboo-thatched huts with their mud floors
and narrow winding pathways from any of the other thousands of backward
villages sprinkled over North Bengal at the time of the century. But instead of
the sluggish, almost stagnant, life so characteristic of Indian villages at
that time, Himaitpur rang with discussions on Life and Creation, with singing
and dancing in love with Life and God.